Protect your feet and lower legs from the hazards of riding a dirt bike! A pair of good dirt bike boots are next to a helmet one of the most important pieces in your riding gear. Your feet and lower legs encounter rocks and gravel from other rider, you might crash or put your feet down for balance. In addition to providing safety and protection your boots need to fit with your MX gear, provide stability and support but still be comfortable while riding. Try on the boots to ensure they have a good fit your feet and do not forget to take care of your boots.
Forma motocross boots for adults include a Flex Control System, FCS which allows the ankle to flex naturally while being well protected. All boots have reinforcements where needed, heat protection, double density sole, midsole with with incorporated nylon and fiberglass shank and padding with memory foam. Predator 2.0 is the premium model, all details and material are designed and selected to offer maximize protection and comfortability while ensuring lowest weight. In 2021 Forma launched Pilot with a bonded sole concept and an updated anti-torsion system. Terrain TX is a stable and rigid intermidiate boot with toe caps. Gravity, the model for younger riders incorproates many of the features of adult boots and comes with four buckles.
Forma pays maximum attention to safety. All boots are certified in accordance with the CE-standards (EN13634:2010 updated, EN13624:2017). Innovation, design and quality has led to that Forma is now a recognized brand in the motorcycle boot business.
SDE SRL, the company behind Forma is based in Altivole (TREVISO) in northern Italy close to the "heart of the world's sport shoes". Forma boots are designed and developed in Italy and manufactured in their proprietary Euopean production facilities (in Italy, Croatia and Romania). Forma is represented in more than 70 countires through a distribution network. The brand was created in 1999 by Mr.Ivano Binotto and his wife Mrs Simonetta, who for 25-years were part owners & managers of the largest producer of OEM off-road motorcycle boots in the world.